5 Steps to Challenging the Status Quo
An article recently stated this: to feel fulfilled, you need to experience three things.
- You must be doing something which challenges you.
- You must feel interested in the things you do.
- There needs to be some reward for doing these things.
The problem with most people is they don’t experience all three of these at the same time. When you get stuck in the status quo, you frequently are no longer being challenged. Things might be somewhat interesting, but they’re not exciting. Even if there is a reward in the form of a paycheck or a stable relationship, losing the other two items do not make up for this.
It’s time to challenge the status quo. How? Follow these five steps.
Quit Doing What Everyone Else Is
Sure, everyone else might be happy and doing a certain thing, but this doesn’t mean you are. People have all kinds of jobs. They’re involved in all kinds of activities. Not all of these are right for you. By focusing less on what everyone does and more on what you want, you will feel much happier.
Stand Out More
Seriously, are you happy playing it safe? Or would you instead take a chance on being seen for who you are, in all of your magnificent, eccentric glory? The beautiful thing about letting go of the idea of fitting in is you no longer are stuck as a follower. It’s a lot more fun being the trendsetter anyway.
Quit Thinking You Can Buy Your Way to Happiness
When we’re not happy, we start burying ourselves in stuff, thinking this will somehow make up for it. The harsh truth? All the new TVs, fancy cars, and exotic vacations in the world are never going to make you feel any more fulfilled. Doing what you hate to get ahead is always going to be a soul-suck.
Start Trusting Yourself More
You don’t need everyone else to tell you what to do. You already have pretty solid instincts. Do what feels right to you. Honor your moral code. You’ll find you’re a lot happier for it.
Take More Chances
Playing it safe is one of the most significant ways we lock ourselves into the status quo. Unfortunately, this is how you also ever keep from bettering yourself. If you want your life to change, you’re going to have to take a chance on doing something different.
Together these five items become a powerful force of change. Dedicate yourself to living life outside the lines. Explore your dreams and embrace the person you are inside. Find challenge and passion, and you’ve got a fulfilling life.
As for the rest? Remember the adage: Do what you love, and the money will follow. You’ve got this!
Originally published at https://bestillandheal.blogspot.com on November 28, 2022.